Wednesday, October 17, 2018

What I’m Watching: Shameless

Shameless: Season 9, Episode 6 “Face It, You’re Gorgeous” (B+)

This show is approaching some more serious territory, mainly with the way that its main character’s life is imploding in so many different ways all at once. Being asked to casually chip in an additional $25,000 for her real estate deal which won’t be coming to fruition anytime soon was just the first step, and not qualifying for another loan shouldn’t have come as a surprise since she’s truly trying to get into a world that just isn’t right for her given the way that she’s lived her life up until this point. The success she’s been experiencing has always been dependent on keeping herself firmly planted in what she can accomplish, and Ford was right to tell her that this deal didn’t make sense. Discovering that he has both a wife and a son that he acknowledges means that everything he’s been doing up until now was a lie, and she’s going to fall apart after this, even more than she already appears to have physically as a result of her car crash. Ian’s preparation for his immersion into prison was met with a wonderful surprise in the form of Mickey, who I was just thinking Ian looked like as he walked in with his darker hair. Maybe that will be a productive and helpful stage of Ian’s life now that he has a cellmate he loves who he can actually spending time with while serving his sentence. Casting Bob Saget as the bishop at the school was a bit absurd, but I suppose it was entertaining to see him in that role. I much preferred Courteney Cox as the alcoholic actress who tried numerous times to outsmart and outrun Lip, and I hope that she’ll be sticking around as a recurring guest member, either as Lip’s new sober companion or maybe as a love interest for the eternally confused Debs. Carl survival training with his new girlfriend was great, and I like how their relationship is developing. Liam seems to be free of his immediately pregnant bully, now free to go around with Frank as he pursues Katey Sagal’s recently released doctor whose ex-husband, played by Andy Buckley from “The Office,” may prove an obstacle to his courtship.

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