Wednesday, October 10, 2018

What I’m Watching: This Is Us

This Is Us: Season 3, Episode 2 “A Philadelphia Story” (B)

Jack’s death being shown in the last season of this show doesn’t mean that he’ll no longer appear - though on most others it would - but sometimes, he’s going to feel much more like a ghost. That was certainly the case here, as Rebecca was beating herself up for not taking his desire to move to another house seriously, which could have prevented the fire and saved his life. Kevin, who brushed past his family’s inability to take him seriously, was dreaming about his father snoring during his premiere while lamenting the fact that Jack never got to see him act. Randall got to have the very sentimental kind of connection that this show is known for by befriending a woman that considered his father a close friend, but then he got a reality check when he was once again told that he didn’t quite fit in, which was made infinitely worse by Kevin thoughtlessly repeating Kate’s factual if insensitive remark about passing on pieces of Jack. What we haven’t seen all that much of on this show is how Rebecca fits into the kids’ adult lives, with an important milestone crossed here with her acceptance of Kate’s decision and her assistance in the injection process, and there’s plenty more to be covered with Randall’s surprise choice to turn down his college acceptance to stay home and help the family. Kate is rightly worried by Toby’s aggressive behavior, but everyone else seems to be telling her not to fret, which is likely to make the problem worse.

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