Thursday, November 29, 2018

Round Two: The Bisexual

The Bisexual: Season 1, Episode 2 (B)

This episode wasn’t quite as enticing as the first, but we’re definitely still seeing more of the same awkwardness and confusion from Leila. Running into Sadie and Hye Me with Gabe by her side was incredibly uncomfortable, and she did as much as possible to make the situation so much worse than it needed to be. Her encounters with men continue to be one of this show’s most interesting elements, as she seems set on getting over that initial hump of having done the deed for the first time. She was very upfront the last time things almost happened about the wonder of this being a new experience for her, and this time wasn’t any smoother even if her prospective partner seemed less put off by the idea and her forward request for a particular position. Gabe’s own romantic exploration isn’t going all that well since he seems set on pursuing something that everyone around him tells him can’t possibly end the way that he wants it to. For only having seen two half-hour episodes so far, this show spends an awful lot of time out at parties, showing Leila at her most relaxed, escaping from the boring repetitiveness of everyday life and opening her up to the kind of person that she’d like to be even if she doesn’t actually resemble anything like it. Watching her try to figure that out continues to be compelling, and the fact that Leila doesn’t seem to be any closer to finding herself only makes it more worthwhile.

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