Saturday, November 3, 2018

Round Two: Bodyguard

Bodyguard: Season 1, Episode 2 (B+)

Well, consider this a fitting follow-up. I wasn’t sure what could top the extended scene in which David talked down the female bomber on the train, but that happened a couple of times in this hour. I didn’t realize how closely an attempted terrorist attack would be played out here, and while it probably hit a bit too close to home with recent events, at least the truck was stopped and the explosion happened far away from the school. I couldn’t describe anything more intense than Julia’s driver being shot in the head while he was driving and then David continuing to repeat that she should remain calm while she was covered in blood. The fact that he got out of the car and used his phone as a mirror to find the shooter was pretty incredible, and then he was willing to head up to the roof where he came face to face with the shooter, who turned out to be none other than his friend. The two of them having sex was probably inevitable, but then things really got complicated when David was told that she knew his children’s school might be a target and did nothing to prevent it. The fact that he went in to sleep with her again in their adjoining hotel rooms knowing that means that it’s so hard to know where he’s ultimately going to end up, since he’s all about protection above all else and probably wouldn’t be able to switch off that drive even if he completely detests the woman whose life is in his hands.

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