Saturday, March 16, 2019

What I’m Watching: Black Monday

Black Monday: Season 1, Episode 7 “65” (B)

Watching this show, I really do feel as if Blair and Tiff lie somewhere well below the intellect of the average viewer, while Mo and Dawn are considerably more cunning and always thinking something about, especially if it has to do with making money. Blair was wrong in this case about everything that happened with Mo and the car getting stolen – or at least, we were led to believe that – but, towards the end of the episode, he understood exactly what was going on and wasn’t about to let Mo manipulate him anymore. Mo probably thought that coming clean with Blair was the only thing left to do and the honesty would catch him off guard, but Blair is still a good guy and doesn’t want to be messed with, plus he cares about Tiff more than anything. Her abduction probably won’t be too consequential, and it’s very possible that Mo is the one who engineered her kidnapping. Dawn continues to be this show’s most compelling character, ending up sitting one-on-one with Tiff at her bachelorette party and having a true heart-to-heart, which wasn’t necessarily in support of the endgame that she and Mo have been championing all along. While Blair now knows exactly what Mo was trying to do, I think that she wouldn’t even be open to hearing about the duplicity and would instead implicitly trust her new best friend Dawn. We’ll have to see how it all plays out though since this plan seems to be tanking in a big way.

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