Friday, March 22, 2019

What I’m Watching: Crazy Ex-Girlfriend

Crazy Ex-Girlfriend: Season 4, Episode 15 “I’m Finding My Bliss” (B-)

I didn’t love this episode, though at least it wasn’t a waste of time plot-wise as we hurtle towards the end of this show in just a few weeks. The thing that bothered me most was that Rebecca’s enthusiasm for community theater wasn’t matched by her talent. She’s always been presented as delusional and unable to see the way that others perceive her, but it wouldn’t be a problem if she was actually good at singing and just got a little bit too into her roles as she is apt to do. Rewriting the songs which had terrible messages was obviously something she was going to do, and it was hard to take that whole plotline seriously. The men in her life continue to be obsessed with her, with both Nathaniel and Josh taking active parts in the play process so that they could both spend time with her and impress her with their theatrical energy. At least Greg, the likeliest to end up with her, was focused on more productive things like his restaurant, with Heather there to provide just the encouragement he needed. Valencia being upset at Beth because she didn’t propose as she thought she would put an extremely tangential relationship in the spotlight, and this show can only get so many couples together before it ends, with Darryl and April seeming likeliest to last. Paula looking at other firms that can pay her considerably more than she would ever make where she is makes sense, and of course she’s always going to be there to help whenever anyone needs.

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