Saturday, March 23, 2019

What I’m Watching: God Friended Me

God Friended Me: Season 1, Episode 17 “The Dragon Slayer” (B)

Once again, we have Miles and Cara inserting themselves where they don’t belong, but at least in this case they weren’t really crossing any lines since their latest friend suggestion was more open to their assistance despite his determination not to accept charity. Sharif Atkins, who played Ben, previously had series regular roles on “White Collar” and “Hawaii,” and here he did a good job playing a dad who just wanted to shield his sons from the reality of the world. It was sweet that, right after he almost fell off the roof of the castle, Max told his father that he was just playing along so that his father wouldn’t lose hope. The scene that was least convincing was Miles going on the interview posing as Ben when he could just as easily have picked Max up from school instead. Getting him a job working security thanks to his military experience was indeed a happy ending, and something tells me he might be back again to help our crew, just as the doctor they met in the very first episode might show up again. Rakesh has truly terrible timing when it comes to interrupting Miles and Cara as they try to have a second kiss just as magical as their first one, but at least he managed to figure something out. Of more concern at the moment is Cara’s editor, played by Michel Gill, previously seen in high-powered positions on “Mr. Robot” and “House of Cards,” and his desire to steer Cara’s articles in a new direction. Arthur deciding to go ahead with his potential new job with his children’s blessing is an affirming if also questionably believable move.

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