Tuesday, March 19, 2019

What I’m Watching: Miracle Workers

Miracle Workers: Season 1, Episode 5 “3 Days” (B-)

Things on this show are getting a bit too stupid for my tastes, but at least it’s still engaging and mostly entertaining. Starting with the arrival of a number of apparently randomly selected individuals to heaven was an effective way to explain the presence of Rosie, who thought that being the executive assistant to God would actually allow her to do something good. This rival galaxy feels like a totally different place, with its light-emanating folder, but it is true that she likely wouldn’t be able to do nearly as much there as she could where she currently is, even if it’s unbearably irritating. She did a masterful job of making up the content of the death waiver that they tricked God into signing, which isn’t an easy feat if you’re actually reading other words off the page. God not being able to read does make a lot of sense, which would probably explain why much of the world is what it is today, and it provided some good moments for flashback humor, namely him brushing his teeth with foot cream defiantly even after being asked if that’s what he had meant to do. I do prefer the notion of him turning his biggest critics into jelly beans than his more absurd ritual of having them pick out the one root beer jelly bean (an admittedly great flavor) from the barrel that he evidently can’t open. Just two episodes left to go here – can sanity and the planet be preserved and this show remain moderately intelligent in the process?

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