Friday, March 8, 2019

What I’m Watching: Shameless

Shameless: Season 9, Episode 13 “Lost” (B+)

Something about the sight of Frank with a bone in his leg sticking out didn’t seem all that alarming to me, though I was cued to the seriousness of the situation by the horrified reactions of his family members. Of course he would want to unload all the drugs in his pockets before calling an ambulance so that he would be just a little less hated than he was when he arrived and no one wanted to treat him because of just how much he owes and hasn’t paid. He sure doesn’t look like he’s in his eighties, but it’s a wonder that it took him this long to try to get Medicare. It’s good to see Fiona going to a meeting with Lip and even encountering Eliza at one, allowing her an opportunity for some penance. Taking a job at a convenience store demonstrated her commitment to getting back in control of her life, and Max showing up on day one was a firm reminder both of what she lost and what she might be able to get back thanks to the unexpected mention and offer of what she still somehow had invested. Tami’s dad coming to talk to Lip about his responsibilities took a different direction than expected, and Tami opened up in a big way about what getting pregnant could mean for her, with Lip now closer than ever to understanding the woman he seems to love. Debs making a move on Kelly did not go well at all, and it was nice to see Carl, fresh from beating on a would-be robber, console her and bond with her over their shared anger towards the girl they both liked. It’s a wonder that it took this long for the twins to get caught at school, and I love that Kev had to carry an absurdly heavy cross as a way of making things right. My favorite moment of the episode was the realization that Liam has been absent for a while now and his refusal to give any of his suddenly-concerned family members peace of mind by answering their calls or texts.

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