Sunday, March 24, 2019

What I’m Watching: SMILF

SMILF: Season 2, Episode 8 “Sex Makes It Less Formal” (B)

When it comes to bad ideas, I’d say that Bridgette planning Rafi’s bachelor party is up there. It was actually going pretty well for a while, and he seemed to be having a great time, even when Bridgette shared a deep story that didn’t paint him in the best light since it prevented her from saying goodbye to her grandmother. But then when the stripper didn’t show up, Bridgette deciding to take that role on herself felt like a truly problematic move that couldn’t go anywhere good. Even though things ended badly, the situation still prompted Rafi to tell Bridgette that he really wanted her at his wedding, something that likely won’t go over too well with Nelson, who had her own moment of panic when she couldn’t escape her wedding dress in the heat. That’s definitely representative of more metaphorical fears about being trapped, especially since she leads a much more stable life than her husband-to-be, and despite his affection for her, they’re going to run into problems about money in the future. Bridgette, on the other hand, can relate to him on a level that Nelson won’t ever be able to. With just two episodes left, I’m not sure how far this three-person relationship will get, but there’s evidently some baggage that Nelson has with her own family too. I suspect that this is the very episode where the filming with Samara Weaving caused much of the controversy that took down this show, though it doesn’t seem like much objectionable comment made it through to the final cut.

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