Thursday, May 2, 2019

What I’m Watching: Brockmire

Brockmire: Season 3, Episode 4 “Banned for Life” (B+)

Now, this was actually a very decent hour that barely included any regular cast member aside from Hank Azaria. The two female guest stars, however, did add considerably, both playing off Azaria extremely well. I’ve been a fan of Becky Ann Baker’s for a while, and she earned an Emmy nomination for guest-starring on “Girls.” As Jean, she demonstrated a renewed love for life, energized by a procedure that helped her to discover other things that make her happy. Finding her mother at her age was still the kind of earth-shattering discovery many often make when they’re younger, and it seemed to be going well until Brockmire revealed that he had conducted a secret relationship with her for years. Linda Lavin, who I remember seeing possibly for the first time as the Nana on “The O.C.” and more recently appeared on “9JKL,” was a great choice to play Lorraine, who put on a friendly front but actually is a stone-cold mobster with even fewer scruples than her son, which he was horrified to realize watching her. Fortunately, though he hurt his sister, he made the right choice to come clean and break the news in a relatively gentle way, and at least now she won’t be holding on to something hoping that it turns into a relationship it never can. It was endearing, in this show’s mostly frustrating style, to see a familiar face at the end of the episode who departed unceremoniously: Charles, who’s now apparently back at least for a few minutes to check in with Brockmire as he is and hopefully get to meet some of the new people in his life.

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