Monday, May 13, 2019

What I’m Watching: Doom Patrol

Doom Patrol: Season 1, Episode 12 “Cyborg Patrol” (B)

It seemed like the deck was stacked against the Doom Patrol once again with yet another theoretically ally turned against him, but fortunately that wasn’t the case at all. Instead, on this often very weird show, the butts got loose? That event was apparently devastating and destructive enough to cause the general to kill himself once he heard the news. I enjoyed the interactions that the prisoners – not counting Vic – had with their interrogators. Cliff being told that he was a primitive design that they were able to stop with a magnet who should be sent to the scrap and recycle program was entertaining, and I like that he then opened his mouth to let Rita blob out, proving his value. Jane found herself a vindictive nemesis in the man that she called “Discount Dexter,” and he made the fatal mistake of playing a song to torment her that turned into Karen and got him completely hypnotized by her love spell. Larry seemed to be having the toughest time, especially when they were prepared for the spirit and managed to bottle it up, but when Larry released him, he took everyone out right away, which was enormously useful. Vic’s mental journey while in holding was unsettling, particularly when the guy in the next cell seemed to be able to hear Grid. Seeing the video footage showing Silas’ aversion to the consequences of Vic becoming entirely cybernetic was immensely triggering, resulting in that brutal punch, and Mr. Nobody’s applause arrival suggests that things really are not as they seem. He may just have scored a major point that’s going to take Vic out of the running in the same way the original Doom Patrol was defeated.

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