Saturday, May 25, 2019

What I’m Watching: Good Girls

Good Girls: Season 2, Episode 12 “Jeff” (C+)

I find it very hard to believe that Mary Pat was not only able to cover up the sudden death of her husband but also to drag away Boomer’s body without her kids noticing and somehow not hear anything from him for months when he’s actually been alive the whole time. I’m glad to see that Allison Tolman is taking a role in a new TV pilot this fall, not that “Emergence” looks great, but hopefully it will be a better showcase for her talents than this truly lackluster part. It makes more sense that Marion always believed in her grandson despite what Annie told her about him, and that she’s been hiding him in her attic since his disappearance. Somehow, I imagine they’ll be able to convince him to turn himself in or help them cover up their actions so that they avoid prison time, since that’s looking all but likely for Stan at the moment and the others soon down the road. Agent Turner coming to church to taunt Ruby and Stan felt inappropriate even by his standards, and Noah telling Annie he loves her isn’t going to help matters at all since there’s no way she’s testifying against Beth. Dean’s inability to understand that his new role was contingent only on following the simple rule of not upselling customers was typically frustrating, and he should be able to find some fulfillment in doing his job without swindling buyers. Dumping his dinner on his shirt was infantile, but he made up for it with his first-ever good idea – a shared apartment that could help make the divorce not so bad. That breakup is going better than Rio telling Beth he doesn’t work on vacation. I can’t imagine the finale will be satisfying, but I’m hopeful it will make me interested to tune in for season three.

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