Sunday, May 26, 2019

What I’m Watching: Jane the Virgin

Jane the Virgin: Season 5, Episode 9 “Chapter Ninety” (B+)

It was a lot of fun to see Jane and Rogelio together wearing matching space helmets to pitch “This Is Mars,” and they were even able to easily overcome River’s expected objections to having Rogelio’s daughter write the scripts. Jane was never going to leave the sight of her editor’s number on the back of Rogelio’s notes, and discovering that he promised to pay the publishers back if ten thousand copies of her book didn’t sell dealt a huge blow to her the perception of her success. Fortunately, Jane is learning to let things go, ultimately forgiving him and using the trajectory of their relationship as the inspiration for her book. She was also open to the idea of Rafael being at Alba’s wedding, and they’re in a good place as co-parents, especially after she decided to let Luisa meet Mateo. That couldn’t have come at a worse time for Luisa, who’s being manipulated by her bestie Bobby in a way that’s going to end up looking like she’s in cahoots with Rose when she’s just being played and used. JR’s solo time with Anna and Ellie did not go well, but good for JR for standing up for herself and Petra for following Jane’s solid advice to discuss ground rules with her. Alba’s whole wedding plotline was very sweet, and I particularly enjoyed that Jane gave her a flower which in turn made her get self-conscious about having sex before marriage. It’s good to see that relationship finally working out the way it should have all along.

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