Monday, May 13, 2019

What I’m Watching: Killing Eve

Killing Eve: Season 2, Episode 5 “Smell Ya Later” (B)

It has seemed for a while like this show, manipulating the words in its title slightly, has been building towards turning Eve into a killer. That Carolyn sent in someone to monitor her response to seeing a brutalized victim and Villanelle’s face on a projector screen means that she’s well aware that her number one agent has become a liability. It’s hard to discern, however, where Carolyn thinks things are headed, since she and Konstantin were sitting together in a car watching their two assets run off together, where Villanelle was freely allowed to torture the other female assassin for the information they desperately wanted. The home visit between Eve and Villanelle was indeed immensely watchable, as it appeared that Eve had the upper hand despite Villanelle showing up in fancy attire and ready to give Eve the poison. Eve’s willingness to take it, even though it wasn’t actually fatal, was intriguing, but it still remains difficult for me to see what the endgame is here, both for the two of them and the show. Villanelle speaking directly to Eve’s husband while posing as a chaperone with him was a new and somewhat unexpected development, one that’s sure to wreak havoc in whatever is left of her personal and professional career. Given the close relationship between Carolyn and Konstantin, something tells me they’re both going to keep their assets in play even though they know just how volatile and unpredictable they’ve become and the damage they will likely both cause if allowed to continue operating freely.

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