Sunday, June 9, 2019

What I’m Watching: The Handmaid’s Tale

The Handmaid’s Tale: Season 3, Episode 2 “Mary and Martha” (B+)

This episode wasn’t quite as intense or monumental as the first hour of the season, but it still does a solid job of following the plot, with the only main characters not featured being the Waterfords, who I really do look forward to checking in with in future episodes. Joseph is an intriguing character, one who speaks in a manner that doesn’t suit the archaic nature and formality of Gilead but also doesn’t imply a particular kindness. He really is an architect, someone who sees the metrics and logistics of how to accomplish something but definitely doesn’t buy into the ideology. Aunt Lydia, who managed to survive Emily’s attack, was not kind on her visit to the home, tasing June when she tried to help her up, and she’s evidently going to be gunning for June regardless of Joseph offering her protection. Forcing June to dig a grave for the dead Martha as a punishment for allowing a woman he didn’t know in the house who definitely brought trouble made it clear what this relationship is going to be like, as he’s not going to take unnecessary risks even if he doesn’t believe things should be operating as they are. I’m intrigued by the idea of Chicago being held by the Americans, an apparently still-existent force, and I’d love to see a greater picture of the national map. Emily’s experience in Canada was certainly jolting, with a medical appointment that was actually about her wellbeing and revealed the surprising truth about her high cholesterol. After Luke aired his frustration and Moira chastised him for it, it was endearing to see the powerful ending with Sylvia answering the phone and being overcome with emotion that Emily was on the other end.

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