Thursday, June 6, 2019

What I’m Watching: Ramy

Ramy: Season 1, Episode 7 “Ne Me Quitte Pas” (A-)

Since this show started, Hiam Abbass, the only cast member I knew beforehand, has definitely been underused. After the previous episode focused entirely on Ramy’s sister and her experience in the world, it was so worthwhile to see life in New Jersey through the eyes of Ramy’s mother. Opening with her watching the yoga class and having her suggestion of joining the fitness studio promptly shut down by her husband demonstrated the boredom and loneliness she felt, especially when her son wouldn’t even come to pick her up because he was in the middle of watching a sports game. Her time in the Lyft proved to be much better than she could ever have imagined, and I like that she was next seen as a driver, trying to imitate the wonder she first felt in the back of the car. Having the doors locked and refusing to make a u-turn after driving right past a passenger were the first missteps, but having a woman get out of the car because she couldn’t stand the smell of her food and didn’t want the baklava dessert she so eagerly offered was a real blow. A friendly, complimentary French passenger who liked hearing her speak French greatly picked up her spirits, though that entrancing distraction came to a swift end when he had her pick him up with his wife in tow. A return home led to surprisingly passionate sex with her husband, though that too was over almost before it began when his favorite scene came on. This show is truly committed to featuring all of its characters, and this episode was a true highlight.

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