Tuesday, June 11, 2019

What I’m Watching: Ramy

Ramy: Season 1, Episode 8 “Saving Mikaela” (B+)

After two episodes focused on other members of Ramy’s family, we’re back to the title protagonist here. Ramy getting a fidget spinner as a gift for his girlfriend’s son did not come across as the sweet, thoughtful gesture he meant it to, and he got some more judgment from his friend who told his son to refer to Ramy as a homewrecker. Steve was right to call Ramy out on only coming over when he’s feeling guilty, but Ramy was immediately up for driving him to the date he set up. He didn’t realize, however, what the nature of the visit would be, and it started poorly when the Muslim clerk judged him for buying alcohol and condoms. Steve asking his “aide” Ramy to just let him have this one despite the clear problematic age difference was the first of several moments that pushed Ramy past his comfort zone, but he really wants to be a people pleaser, even if it means compromising his own values. Kicking down the door while shouting “Allah Hu-Akbar” was an interesting experience, and even Steve was ready to thank him for taking care of the situation, both saving Mikaela and then having his friend help make sure that they didn’t get in trouble for their association with the underage girls. Ramy clarifying that his beard was grown in college was a humorous moment, but sadly one of the last before the melancholy ending. Having his father question his decision to come to America only for his son to have an affair with a married woman was pretty soul-crushing, and it’s going to be hard for Ramy to get past that.

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