Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Emmy Predictions: Best Writing for a Drama Series

The 70th Primetime Emmy Awards nominations will be announced on Tuesday, July 16th. As always, chime in below in the comments with any thoughts of your own.

Last year’s nominees: START (The Americans), Mystery Man (The Crown), The Dragon and the Wolf (Game of Thrones) June (The Handmaid’s Tale), Nice Face (Killing Eve), Chapter Nine: The Gate (Stranger Things)

The top contenders:
Breathe (Better Call Saul)
Wiedersehen (Better Call Saul)
Episode 1 (Bodyguard)
Twin Cities (Counterpart)
The Iron Throne (Game of Thrones)
Holly (The Handmaid’s Tale)
Stop (Homecoming)
Nice and Neat (Killing Eve)
The Gold Coast (Ozark)
Love is the Message (Pose)
Pilot (Pose)
Nobody Is Ever Missing (Succession)
The Comedian (The Twilight Zone)
Nightmare at 30,000 Feet (The Twilight Zone)
A Traveler (The Twilight Zone)

Half of last year’s nominated shows are eligible again, and it’s a good bet they’ll all be back. Game of Thrones, The Handmaid’s Tale, and Killing Eve all submitted just one episode, which should up their chances. They may be joined by a past nominee now eligible again, Better Call Saul, though voters having to choose from seven episodes might make its inclusion less likely. New contenders include Bodyguard, Homecoming, Pose, and Succession, and The Twilight Zone could find success here too. Watch out also for Ozark or a show I’m really championing, Counterpart.

The predicted nominees: The Iron Throne (Game of Thrones), Holly (The Handmaid’s Tale), Stop (Homecoming), Nice and Neat (Killing Eve), Pilot (Pose), Nobody Is Ever Missing (Succession)

The predicted winner: I think this goes to Pose, though it could easily be “Game of Thrones” too.

Next up: Best Directing for a Comedy Series

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