Sunday, July 14, 2019

What I’m Watching: Divorce

Divorce: Season 3, Episode 2 “Miami” (B+)

I like the rapport that Robert and Frances have developed now that they’re in relationships with other people, and it was interesting to see the pregnancy announcement go rather south for Robert in a different way than he expected with both kids questioning his safe sex choices due to the nature of the “blessed surprise.” Though his fellow coach, played by Dominic Fumusa from “Goliath” and “Nurse Jackie,” wanted to throw him a bachelor party, it was touching to hear him say that a meal with Frances was actually most fitting. Robert was running around like a crazy person trying to do everything on Jackie’s many lists, and fortunately she forgave him for not getting the stain out of the dress. Frances’ whirlwind trip to Miami wasn’t ever going to happen as smoothly as she wanted, and instead she got news far more important than the fact that Henry is still technically married. His expression of joyful freedom that he would never have to get married again was a bit blunt and unaccommodating, and that felt more crushing than Frances being chastised for her bird humor at her new job. A woman showing up eager to give Diane a tremendous amount of business felt way too good to be true, and it turned out that it was designed to be an act of humiliation akin to Nate causing her family to lose everything. Dallas’ work isn’t going too well either, and her patient quizzing her on how long he had left to live was a particularly low point.

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