Tuesday, August 6, 2019

What I’m Watching: The Handmaid’s Tale

The Handmaid’s Tale: Season 3, Episode 11 “Liars” (B+)

This episode felt like a fever dream more than a nightmare, one that found its characters in unexpected places as they chart unexplored territory that could alter both their own lives and Gilead in extremely influential ways. June’s eagerness to go forward with her new plan hit a snag thanks to Eleanor coming to grips with what her husband has done and how much it has hurt so many people, though June was masterfully able to defuse this situation. June and Joseph understand each other at this point, both aware of the absurdity of their realities but attuned to how best to subvert them increased scrutiny that the household is now under thanks to both the lack of any fruit being borne and Fred’s obsession with his former handmaid. Getting Joseph to take her to Jezebel’s was a win, and she seemed to be making progress before George recognized her. What he was doing there in the first place is a mystery given that his sexual proclivities aren’t tolerable in the Gilead regime, but he was threatening enough to derail June’s confidence. Fighting back and stabbing him multiple times rather than just accepting it as a horrific part of her “job” demonstrated just how fed up she is with giving in and that she’s not going to back down anymore. There does appear to be a network in place to protect her, which will likely be more helpful than the gun that Joseph handed to her. I’m not sure what Serena told Fred about meeting Mark or if she was in on it, but him getting arrested on Canadian soil is a tremendous development that has the power to be truly transformative.

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