Thursday, September 5, 2019

What I’m Watching: Four Weddings and a Funeral

Four Weddings and a Funeral: Season 1, Episode 6 “Lights, Camera, Wedding” (B)

It’s absolutely true that this show is unrealistic in its presentation of how romance and love work, but it’s heartwarming to believe that, at least in this imagined universe, everyone is able to find happiness in some respect even if it comes after a good number of setbacks. Duffy was headed straight for heartbreak by mistakenly assuming that the letter Maya stupidly wrote and then left in his jacket was for him rather than someone else, and his future partner Gemma was just blunt enough in her response that it couldn’t possibly be him. Maya was far too casual with Duffy after their breakup considering how much he had admitted he cared for her, and begging him not to tell anyone about Kash was hardly the best move after he confronted her with that truth. Fatima made the hard choice for Kash by confessing that Bash was the one she wanted to be with, which leaves the door open for Kash to go to Maya and only Ainsley’s immutable fury as the remaining obstacle for the two of them. I think that Ainsley is going to end up with Dermot Mulroney’s Bryce in the end, but for now it looks like she’s going to try to do whatever makes her happy in the moment, which in this case was a chance to get with the dimwitted Garrett. Craig’s wedding to Zara was obscenely over-the-top, and it was hilarious to see the logo at the end of the impossibly long train of her wedding dress.

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