Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Take Three: Unbelievable

Unbelievable: Season 1, Episode 3 (B+)

I had heard great things about Toni Collette’s performance, and they weren’t wrong. Grace is extremely intense and not one to hold back any of what she’s feeling, and she clashes with Karen in an interesting way since they both feel they have to fight to be heard but Grace is more overtly intimidating to anyone she encounters, including the suspect played by Tate Ellington from “Quantico” that she interrogated at the start of the hour. The most memorable scene of the hour came from Merritt Wever as Karen berated one of her team members for not thinking to follow up on lab reports and being content with waiting to hear back from someone else rather than proactively following up. I also recognized Dale Dickey, who appeared in last week’s episode of “Why Women Kill” and who I’ll always remember from “Winter’s Bone,” as RoseMarie, the detective who sits next to Grace and seems to be tangentially involved in some of her cases. Connecting these two very similar cases is a great first step, and it appears to be taking a lot longer for anyone to realize that Marie is also a victim of the same law enforcement offender, and she’s spiraling as people continue to be horrible to her and now she’s received a criminal citation for filing a false report. Amber’s boyfriend was obsessed with the statistics about what happens if a rapist isn’t found in seven days, and the pressure is definitely on for Karen and Grace to pool their resources and get one step ahead of someone who takes extraordinary care not to be found and whose efforts towards perfection may just be what get him caught.

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