Monday, October 14, 2019

Take Three: The Unicorn

The Unicorn: Season 1, Episode 3 “Widow’s Group” (B-)

Watching this show, there are moments where I feel it really has potential and others where it doesn’t deliver nearly as much. This third installment didn’t feature the same kind of emotionally transformative moment as the second, with Wade yelling out his anger far less compelling than bonding with his daughter. Joining a support group for other widows and widowers made a lot of sense, but naturally he’d be the only male in keeping with this show’s premise that all the good men get snatched up right away. It’s almost as if I expected Betsy Brandt to appear in this episode after her previous very different roles in “Breaking Bad” and “Life in Pieces,” with this one skewing much more towards the latter as she divulged quite a bit about how no one else could possibly (and literally) measure up to her late husband. All of Wade’s friends were very pushy in trying to get him to go to the group, and asking if there were any other men involved would probably have been a smart idea. Getting drunk to the point that he wasn’t able to keep up certain commitments that he had made wasn’t superb, but at least he got to bond with people who are uniquely equipped to understand what he’s going through. I’m not sure yet if I’ll give this show a fourth chance – it’s not wowing me. I like Walton Goggins and Michaela Watkins, and I want to see them do something great, which this just doesn’t seem to be.

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