Thursday, October 3, 2019

What I’m Watching: The Affair

The Affair: Season 5, Episode 6 (B-)

After meeting Anna Paquin’s adult Joanie for just a few minutes at a time over the course of the last few episodes, now we get an entire hour focused on her, without a single other perspective to perceive the situation differently. It certainly seems like she’s self-destructive enough on her own without anyone having to judge her, and while it does make some sense given what’s happened in her life, it’s not all that inviting to watch. Joanie isn’t a particularly nice person, treating EJ horribly before finally starting to spend time with him and then having sex with him, assuring him that he wasn’t actually good in bed even though he claimed to be. I also realized that I erred a few weeks ago in noting that Noah would be dead in the future since Cole was actually her father, but she did mention Noah, who I can’t imagine survived long enough without someone trying to kill him but may well still be alive in this future. Joanie looking into the idea of her mother having been killed by Ben seems like an unnecessary avenue, one that isn’t going to tell us any more about the characters like Noah and Helen we do still know in the past since Noah’s obsessions have shifted entirely from his second wife back to his first. Seeing an older Luisa wasn’t overly informative, and I continue to question why this future exploration was needed or helpful in any way to this show’s overall arc.

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