Thursday, October 31, 2019

What I’m Watching: Supergirl

Supergirl: Season 5, Episode 4 “In Plain Sight” (C+)

I don’t know what it is since it’s a different voice that’s speaking Ma'alefa'ak’s words each time, but all of his lines sound horribly inauthentic and almost laughable to me. “Meet me at the planetarium” was a particularly unfortunate one, and I’m glad that we at least won’t have to deal with him trying to threaten or incept anyone in the immediate future since he’s now in Lena’s hands as she works with him to exact whatever revenge she’s still trying to get on a team whose handshakes and T-shirts she’ll now be taught. It’s hard to really understand her aims, and she’s not the only one that everyone now needs to worry about working against them in ways they’re not even prepared to consider. William being undercover as a jerk didn’t work too well since Kara and Nia figured out what he was really up to almost right away, and Kara would do well to determine whether he can actually be trusted so that he can be an ally rather than yet another impediment. James deciding he needs to go back to his hometown to find a new purpose in life helping the underserved and impoverished makes some sense given his abrupt dismissal from his job, and I wonder what that means for Mehcad Brooks’ presence on the show. Brainy probably couldn’t have done much better than he tried to do in this hour, but it’s good that he and Nia might be approaching a more productive place given how distracted and unnerved he was by the instability of his relationship.

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