Tuesday, October 8, 2019

What I’m Watching: Unbelievable

Unbelievable: Season 1, Episode 4 (B+)

I’m glad that, finally, Colleen had the TV on and realized that maybe Marie’s story sounded a bit like what someone else had said. Marie is understandably terrified after getting a notice and finding out that there’s a warrant out for her arrest because the summons was sent to a different address, and the fact that her being charged is unusual doesn’t matter since she’s still being charged. I think that she’s come to a point where she doesn’t even know whether what she remembers happened or not, and hopefully the right people, namely Karen and Grace, can help extract the important information to validate her claim and put her life back on track as much as they can. Their investigation without Marie’s story continues to be fruitful, though they have different notions of how they should proceed, like opting not to trust FBI Special Agent Taggart with their theory that the perpetrator is an employee of law enforcement. They came close to finding what they thought might be their targets, but alibis and tattoos showed that they were coming up empty. Fortunately, the two of them don’t care much about following expected protocol and aren’t interested in their investigation being sidelined, which of course results in some very angry interviewees and other victims and family members who can’t see that they’re actually the only ones who are truly invested in helping them. Luckily, they should be more than capable of talking to Marie and showing her that they are fully behind her, something that the police officers she previously talked to didn’t do at all.

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