Tuesday, October 15, 2019

What I’m Watching: Unbelievable

Unbelievable: Season 1, Episode 5 (B+)

Even with such a dark subject matter, this show manages to find plenty of moments for humor, especially when it comes to its two lead actresses. Grace’s excitement at getting Karen to curse was funny, as was the highly mature use of the nose game to determine that Karen would be the one traveling to Kansas to pursue the latest lead. The revelation of the law enforcement angle played itself out in an uncomfortable way, with Grace jumping down Taggart’s throat when he dared to act surprised with this new angle and Grace’s fury at him for not having previously considered it. There are so many different clues and pieces of this, and it’s incredibly infuriating to hear Detective Parker continue to deny the legitimacy of Marie’s claims, even after receiving a phone call from a dubious colleague who said the similarities between the two cases were very strong. Marie is continuing to spiral downwards, and quitting her job is just the last straw, and I’m worried that the moderate amount of justice that she receives will come after she loses everything, if she’s even alive at that point. Karen is ready to go to Kansas at the drop of a hat to look into a new lead, and Grace is experiencing problems in her own relationship because she believes that getting closer to answers in her case is of paramount importance, the rules be damned. Let’s hope that can lead them to Marie sooner rather than later since she’s at her wit’s end and her testimony might be crucial to catching this perpetrator.

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