Wednesday, November 6, 2019

What I’m Watching: Unbelievable (Series Finale)

Unbelievable: Season 1, Episode 8 (B+)

I’ve previously encountered actor Eric Lange on shows like “Lost,” “The Bridge,” and “Narcos,” portraying unlikeable characters who aren’t terribly friendly. I thought that he had been cast in an unspectacular role here as Detective Parker, but his performance in this episode demonstrates why he was just the man for the job. The phone call from Grace prompted his typical response, that Marie had actually been lying and that they had to charge her with making a false report, but then the look on his face when he started to understand how wrong he had been conveyed his deep sense of regret over what happened. While Marie wasn’t terribly receptive to the information that he came to surprise her with, Detective Pruitt didn’t even feel the need to apologize when he had been even more aggressive in demeaning her. It was affirming to see her take charge and decide to sue the city, not concerned with trying to get more than she thought would be enough to be able to help her get her life back together. The perpetrator’s refusal to share the password that would only incriminate him further made sense, and Karen stood in for the audience with her incredulousness at his getting to make demands. This series strongly and powerfully dramatized a real-life case, which I’m sure is very triggering and upsetting for many viewers. All three leading actresses turned in truly fantastic performances. I hope they’ll be recognized come Emmy time along with the show itself.

Series grade: B+
Series MVP: Merritt Wever as Grace

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