Monday, November 4, 2019

What I’m Watching: Will and Grace

Will and Grace: Season 11, Episode 2 “Pappa Mia” (B-)

This episode had its entertaining moments but was decidedly over the top on all fronts. Both Will and Grace seem to be set on having the babies they first mentioned and discovered last week, and now it’s a matter of how and who to parent. Will’s concern about having a son who’s straight led to some humorous antics with Jack being shockingly good at basketball because he learned how to play the sport so that he could get a part in a play. I wasn’t too into Jack’s horrifyingly-bent finger that caused him to pass out multiple times in a row, though at least Will scored a win when the nurse was impressed with how good a dad he was to the grown man she thought was his son, who claimed incorrectly to not have been alive in 1976 (Sean Hayes was actually born in 1970). Reid Scott returned just as quickly as I expected to play Marcus, who insisted on serial killer lefthandness running in his family and a vasectomy he didn’t actually have. Karen was delighted to be able to drag in the three men that she somehow found who Grace had slept with in Europe, all of whom didn’t represent themselves entirely honestly. I most enjoyed Paul Ben-Victor, a familiar face from “In Plain Sight” and other projects, putting on an accent to play the Italian taxi driver who didn’t represent Grace. The college student Steve Buscemi was fun too, and though Grace has vowed that she’s going to do this on her own, I think that Marcus will probably be back at some point before the show ends.

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