Sunday, December 29, 2019

Top 19 New Shows of 2019: #1

My annual TV Awards, the AFT Television Awards, are given out during the summer. It’s always nice to check inn midway through the television season to reflect back on all the calendar year introduced us to. As 2019 closes out and 2020 begins, here’s a look back at the best new shows of the year.

#1: Undone

I haven’t experienced another show like this that so freely casts aside all accepted perceptions of how time and space work to follow a character down the rabbit hole into an entirely new way of thinking. Using animation to tell this story is enormously effective, and each half-hour installment managed to probe even more intriguing ideas. A second season was far from guaranteed, and Amazon wonderfully decided to bring it back for more astonishing journeys into the past, the present, and what’s in between.

Best Episode: “Handheld Blackjack
Pilot Review | Episode Reviews

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