Friday, December 27, 2019

Top 19 New Shows of 2019: #11

My annual TV Awards, the AFT Television Awards, are given out during the summer. It’s always nice to check inn midway through the television season to reflect back on all the calendar year introduced us to. As 2019 closes out and 2020 begins, here’s a look back at the best new shows of the year.

This show was billed from the start as a limited series, but its strong presentation of a formidable lead and her desire to truly experience her life suggests that much more could be explored here. Kathryn Hahn, always a great supporting player, was a fantastic fit to play the title character, whose story was always interesting and slightly more pleasant than her wayward son’s misadventures at college. A commitment to three-dimensional supporting characters made this show above-average, and its sudden ending is the only real disappointment.

Best Episode: “Free Sample
Pilot Review | Episode Reviews

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