Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Top 19 New Shows of 2019: #19

My annual TV Awards, the AFT Television Awards, are given out during the summer. It’s always nice to check inn midway through the television season to reflect back on all the calendar year introduced us to. As 2019 closes out and 2020 begins, here’s a look back at the best new shows of the year.

#19: Dickinson

Apple TV Plus’ comedy puts a wild, anachronistic spin on Emily Dickinson’s life and legacy, similar in setup to the film “Wild Nights with Emily” but given a livelier presence and energy thanks to star Hailee Steinfeld. It’s sometimes a bit untethered to reality or any sense of history, but it’s definitely a fun way of looking at a person who didn’t always get to tell her own story.

Best Episode: “I have never seen ‘Volcanoes’
Pilot Review | Episode Reviews

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