Saturday, December 28, 2019

Top 19 New Shows of 2019: #5

My annual TV Awards, the AFT Television Awards, are given out during the summer. It’s always nice to check inn midway through the television season to reflect back on all the calendar year introduced us to. As 2019 closes out and 2020 begins, here’s a look back at the best new shows of the year.

In just four episodes, this Netflix limited series managed to convey the utter horror of five innocent teenagers being accused of a crime and then sentenced by the public and a jury with respect and affirmation. Ava DuVernay was the perfect steward for this affecting tribute to these people who were only seen as monsters, effectively presented with actors in a dramatization in a way that felt just as vivid and real as a documentary.

Best Episode: “Part Four
Pilot Review | Episode Reviews

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