Wednesday, December 4, 2019

What I’m Watching: Batwoman

Batwoman: Season 1, Episode 8 “A Mad Tea-Party” (C+)

The fact that this entire episode is focused on events that aren’t going to be relevant for the five-series crossover that begins next week is probably all the assurance I need that this isn’t a show that should remain on my watchlist. At least this was an impactful episode, one that permanently shifted Kate’s focus away from trying to save the sister she thought she still had to defending her family against someone so hellbent on revenge that she doesn’t actually have any interest in reconnecting with the family members who had spent so long grieving her loss. I was thrown off by Kate’s mention of a bat mitzvah (cue a pun there), though there wasn’t time for such chitchat with Mouse impersonating Jacob, who then got arrested for Catherine’s murder since he was found drunk in a car with the poison in his pocket. Sophie being “on it” didn’t work so well because she got knocked out before she could do anything about it, and spending some time tied back-to-back with her husband may well have led to the dissolution of her marriage. Kate’s going to need her as an ally now more than ever, and maybe Sophie being single will come at exactly the right time. Alice poisoning Catherine and Mary so that one had to die for the other to live was cruel, and I suspect that Mary is going to be gunning for her just as much as Kate. I’m not sure I’ll be back to experience any of that since I was more than excited to see Nash Wells at the end of the episode, letting me know that it’s officially time for the crisis I’ve been anticipating for so long, which will be featured in an episode of this show on a special night next week.

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