Monday, December 16, 2019

What I’m Watching: Living with Yourself (Season Finale)

Living with Yourself: Season 1, Episode 8 “Nice Knowing You” (B+)

This episode was decidedly irreverent but also pretty fitting in a lot of ways, and would serve as a moderately satisfactory finale should this show not be renewed for a second season. We didn’t know who grabbed Miles at the end of the previous episode, and it turns it wasn’t actually anyone nefarious but instead two rogue agents from the FDA, reminiscent most of Laura Benanti’s overeager mail police officer from “The Detour.” Bridget Everett, most recently seen in a more serious role on another Netflix production, “Unbelievable,” was highly memorable as the children’s vitamins agent who was furious that the polygraph didn’t work since she wanted nothing more than to prove the existence of clones and that Miles was the one behind it. It didn’t help Miles much that he couldn’t remember the name of the first girl he kissed, and the fact that the room was being used to store breast milk was pretty much a guarantee that he was going to end up drinking it. I like that he managed to win Kate over with his corny dance moves, though that lovely reunion ended as soon as he realized that Kate had slept with his clone. I was glad that the clone wasn’t up to much other than trying to end his own life since we had last seen him, and challenging Miles to be able to do something right looked like it might turn sour quickly. Fortunately, Miles didn’t kill him, and they even managed to find some common ground before Kate arrived with that bombshell news about her pregnancy. I wasn’t always thrilled with this first season, but I think I’d be up to check out what a clone coparenting situation might look like.

Season grade: B
Season MVP: Aisling Bea as Kate

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