Monday, December 2, 2019

What I’m Watching: Modern Love

Modern Love: Season 1, Episode 7 “Hers Was a World of One” (B)

I should start by expressing my affinity for two of the performers featured in this episode. Andrew Scott is beloved by anyone who watched him as the hot priest in season two of “Fleabag.” Olivia Cooke impressed me greatly in “Me and Earl and the Dying Girl” and “Thoroughbreds,” in addition to in the pilot episode for Amazon’s “Vanity Fair.” I’m not as familiar with Brandon Kyle Goodman, who played Andy, though I think I remember him from his small role in “Plus One.” I wasn’t quite as taken with the premise of this episode, which pitted Cooke’s pregnant free-wheeler Karla against Scott’s more buttoned-up worrier Tobin, with Andy somewhere in the middle trying to make peace between the two. I most enjoyed subtler moments like Andy passive-aggressively explaining how he felt about pregnant women who drink wine to their obviously stunned and unhappy reaction to finding out that Karla had invited over a random guy, played by none other than Ed Sheeran, to share the bed they had pretty much been forced to offer her. Ultimately, by the end of this episode, things got much sweeter, with Andy nearly passing out in the delivery room and Karla yelling at Tobin to stop breathing loudly. Transitioning from Tobin telling the baby about the mother he probably wouldn’t get to meet all that much to him regaling her nightly with that same tale as we learned that she did come back and visit quite a lot was very sweet, making this particular journey worth it in the end.

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