Sunday, January 5, 2020

Golden Globe Reactions

I actually improved over my performance last year, when I scored just three predictions correct. Now, I got five, which is still a failing score out of eleven. Historically speaking, new shows win Golden Globes. I thought that would have helped “The Morning Show,” but it didn’t. instead, both series winners were second-year shows that weren’t even nominated for their first seasons, and four out of six of the acting winners were also from shows in their second and third seasons. I didn’t watch any of season two of “Succession,” so I wasn’t thrilled about it winning, and I always find it sort of disappointing when limited series actors win the supporting races since there really should be multiple categories. I’m glad “Fleabag” won the two prizes it did, and Olivia Colman is definitely superb in season three of “The Crown,” though the two costars I predicted to win, Tobias Menzies and Helena Bonham Carter, both are too. I was happy that the absent Russell Crowe won since he really is very good in the underrated “The Loudest Voice,” and I hope more people will watch it now. The best moment of the night was the very first award presented, with surprise nominee Ramy Youssef winning for “Ramy” and commenting that he knew no one in the room watched his show. Go check it out now - he was also my winner for the AFT Awards! I’m eager to see how all this plays into the Emmys when we come back to TV this summer. For now, it’s time to focus on movies. Read my reactions to the film side over at and stay tuned this week for Oscar predictions in all categories! Pilot and individual episode reviews continue here, along with SAG predictions soon.

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