Saturday, January 11, 2020

What I’m Watching: The Crown

The Crown: Season 3, Episode 8 “Dangling Man” (B+)

I was glad to see Josh O’Connor again as Prince Charles after his formidable performance in just one episode earlier this season. The sheer delight he got from causing Camilla to jump was wonderful, and I like that he pointed out that it was a rare opportunity for a future king to meet a past king, an observation Elizabeth almost made about former kings usually being dead. Derek Jacobi and Geraldine Chaplin were fantastic choices to play the Duke and Duchess of Windsor, and the Duke’s interview and subsequent decline were very moving. Elizabeth coming to see him to express her gratitude to him was surprisingly sentimental, and showed once again her willingness to open her mind slightly more than her very blunt husband. Reading her son’s letters to the Duke was enlightening, especially considering her harsh words to him a few episodes back when he opted to express her opinions in a very public speech. Charles and Anne dating people who had previously been together was interesting, and I like that Anne was far more aware of the risks than her brother, sharing that they should be careful not to let Camilla and Andrew play them. Examining how public life affects the personal relationships of these royals is one of the most fascinating aspects of this show, and this episode was superb in that respect. I’d love to see this show win Emmys in just about every acting category, but I think there’s possibly even too much internal competition in each supporting and guest race.

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