Wednesday, January 8, 2020

What I’m Watching: The L Word: Generation Q

The L Word: Generation Q: Season 1, Episode 5 “Labels” (B+)

I’m puzzled by the fact that Sepideh Moafi, who plays Gigi, is a regular cast member, and Stephanie Allynne, who plays Nat, continues to be credited as a guest star. They’re both terrific, but it’s weird that the one who’s actually married to Alice isn’t supposed to be part of the series as much of her wife’s ex-wife. Their thruple situation is very entertaining, since Nat doesn’t seem excited at all by reentering something that she felt was toxic, and they have some important questions to answer before they can really move ahead in a coherent way. Quiara telling Shane that she was pregnant but didn’t need her to be involved in the baby’s life was a strange sentiment, and I don’t see that working out at all. Bette has once again seen how her problematic affair can lead to consequences, and I’m still waiting for her and Dani to start hooking up. Dani’s father’s prenup clause made her extremely angry, but Sophie seemed bothered by Dani’s response to it. Jamie Clayton turned in a powerhouse performance as Tess in this hour, and finding a kindred spirit in Finley won’t provide much comfort when breaking her sobriety catches up with her. It was good that Rebecca spelled out for Finley what it was that made her so upset, and I don’t think there’s much hope for that relationship to go forward now. I’m glad that Micah and José are navigating their budding romance well, dealing with new challenges and unintended confessions in a mature and productive way.

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