Thursday, January 16, 2020

What I’m Watching: Legends of Tomorrow (Season Premiere)

Legends of Tomorrow: Season 5, Episode 1 “Crisis on Infinite Earths: Part Five” (B+)

Now this was a cool finale to this mega-crossover. I had to do a bit of reading after I watched so that I could fully comprehend what was going on, and also to note that many references to other DC projects and characters that I might have missed. It was a pretty startling and awesome opening, with Kara waking up and Alex acting like everything was normal, save for the fact that Lex Luthor was not only her boss but also receiving the Nobel Peace Prize. That’s a fascinating reframe in its own, since it means that this show will continue to exist in a world totally different from the one that we know, with all the same characters and similar relationships between most of them. The bigger head trip is that the multiverses we know have now turned into just one earth, which apparently has more to do with the fact that these shows first existed in different realities because they were developed for different networks. I’d hope this means more future collaborations, but I’m not sure that’s the case since contracts are still contracts and these actors won’t necessarily show up too much more even if they’re often together. I am curious to see how it impacts all five shows, with “Black Lightning,” a series I don’t watch, also potentially influenced. Superman and Lois also apparently have kids, something that’s sure to be a major plot point on their forthcoming new series. Hank’s ability to refresh the memories of those from this new unified earth is awfully convenient, though that’s only going to help those on the show he regularly frequents. I liked that this episode was legends-focused, with Mick autographing books as Rebecca and a giant Beebo attacking. This was a satisfying and transformative crossover in the end, and I’m eager to greet most of its involved shows with a renewed sense of purpose and hopefully quality.

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