Wednesday, January 8, 2020

What I’m Watching: Ray Donovan

Ray Donovan: Season 7, Episode 8 “Passport and a Gun” (B-)

I don’t think anyone was surprised by the fact that Smitty was wearing a wire, and Ray was really off his game to not realize that until he saw the van parked outside and put it all together. Despite being out of sorts lately, he didn’t seem too startled when he marched angrily towards the van, ready to talk to likely implicate Jim Sullivan in everything since he may have had something to do with Ray’s sister’s death years earlier. Ray doesn’t have a clue that the way that he treats his brothers drives them away, whether it’s Terry who’s still being pulled by this other world and Daryll who continues to get himself into trouble again and again. Bunchy is headed there to, and Ray should also think that maybe his short sentences and lack of appreciation are what made Lena leave (though of course that was mainly so that actress Katherine Moennig could go star on “The L Word: Generation Q”). Daryll seemed to have a negotiating partner in Declan, but he was quickly double-crossed in a very Mickey-style way, and Jasmine’s decision to shoot had fatal consequences that now leave Daryll with no one to help him out of this mess. This is just the latest instance of Ray working for someone he knows is a terrible person, and he can only do this so many times before his eventual way of getting out of the job results in someone close to him getting hurt as a result of his clever betrayal.

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