Sunday, January 19, 2020

What I’m Watching: This Is Us

This Is Us: Season 4, Episode 10 “Light and Shadows” (B+)

This was a strong midseason premiere, picking up from the surprising revelations of the finale without jumping too far ahead on all of them. Kevin turning to a matchmaker didn’t go too well, highlighted by his date with a woman who was very clearly and unapologetically racist, and of course he’d go and spot an attractive woman who would then become the sole focus of his attention for the entirety of the day. Sophia Bush from “One Tree Hill” and “Chicago PD” was Lizzy, the woman who was absolutely perfect until she revealed that he was her celebrity hall pass and that she was married. It was quite the day that he threw for her, complete with a John Legend performance. That call from Sophie that he missed just as he was going on set likely has implications that will lead to the events we saw in the finale. Randall was indeed very pushy with getting his mother some help, and he clashed with Miguel when he came on too strong and asserted that he was doing the right thing. The results aren’t great, but we still haven’t seen what leads to a total blockade of communication with Randall. That final scene with an intruder is disconcerting, and I’m not sure what to make of it. It’s good that Toby didn’t have an affair, but his need to escape his son’s blindness is going to drive a serious wedge between him and Kate. Back in the past, it was interesting to see Jack actually break up with Rebecca, only to have her show up after being encouraged by her mother not to let a man she loved slip away from her.

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