Friday, February 7, 2020

What I’m Watching: Curb Your Enthusiasm

Curb Your Enthusiasm: Season 10, Episode 3 “Artificial Fruit” (B)

Some things about this episode worked a lot better than others. Larry asking Laverne Cox questions about whether you can donate a penis to a person who’s transitioning was uncomfortable enough, but then he had to go and choose to physically pull away when she went to give him a hug because of their previous conversation about how she had a cold. Recognizing social conventions like that has always been one of the strongest parts of this show, and that just happened to come at a very poor time after he had earlier thanked her for being upfront with him about not wanting to get him sick. I’m not sure what all the fuss about the presentation trash and the decorative fruit was, but it was entertaining enough until the much sillier bit that found Larry, Leon, and Jeff all dumped into trash cans for appearing to make fun of people’s accents after chipping their teeth and tongues. It was pretty funny - and typically horrible - that Larry showed up to the funeral of his favorite waiter Esai Morales’ aunt so that he could give him his credit card to pay for the meal that Richard Lewis was trying to pay for instead, resulting in some unexpected charges on Larry’s card that he may have conveniently misunderstood were to cover funeral costs. Larry keeps doing everything wrong related to his lawsuit, and deciding that he couldn’t give the heimlich after forcing her to try one of his scones doesn’t seem like it’s going to work out too well for him in the end.

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