Wednesday, March 25, 2020

What I’m Watching: Better Things

Better Things: Season 4, Episode 3 “Escape Drill” (B+)

It was definitely a surprise to see Sam bring two of her friends who are potentially unhappy in their marriages in to meet a legendary cutthroat divorce attorney – who represented her ex-husband. Lala seems much more ready to move ahead and move on than Lenny, who remains seduced by the notion of her marriage working out and getting back to a good place. It was a fitting opportunity for Jeff to return and help Sam with her furniture project before he confessed a slew of misdeeds to Sunny, who seemed almost amused by the sheer volume of his admissions and the extent to which he was terrible to her. We haven’t seen either of them for a while now, and I hope that Sunny will return again soon. After Max made it seem like she knew better than her mother because she had a few notions of how to plan ahead for her future when talking to the manicurist, she made her mother proud by similarly springing into action when a frantic mother was looking for her lost child. Suggesting that all of the women in line in front of her were extremely old didn’t come off as politely as she meant it, but she’s due for some awkwardness just like Sam always encounters, like when she walked in on Frankie in bed with a boy she didn’t know. Duke continues to grow up fast, obsessing over makeup, selfies, and doing most of her homework, seeming more like her oldest sister every day.

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