Tuesday, March 24, 2020

What I’m Watching: Miracle Workers: Dark Ages

Miracle Workers: Dark Ages: Season 2, Episode 7 “Day in Court” (B+)

I liked this episode a lot because it managed its absurdity in a great way, framing its ridiculousness with a great overarching love story that I think actually eclipses the one from the first season. Chauncley was so worried when he walked into his father and spilled pudding on him that he was going to get thrashed, and instead the new therapy patient wanted to take a walk and do a puzzle with him, aware that he hadn’t been a warm parent up until then. Their bonding was going well until Chauncley saw an obvious trigger with an insult about the state of the kingdom, and any progress made was completely undone by the time he burned down his therapist’s house for charging him for the full hour and made it clear just how much he hated his son for doing what he did for Al. Fortunately, that didn’t stop him from intervening to try to help her, bringing all the books from the library to her home, and then sanctioning the marriage between the goat and Eddie to save his life. Coming to dinner to eat the vegetables still labeled as exhibits was a nice way to end what only Eddie thinks has been a relaxed past few weeks. Lord Vexler was having fun putting on a show in this episode, assembling a jury made up entirely of goat-herders, sucking up to the judge by giving him goat’s milk, and publishing a book allegedly written by the goat called “If I Ate It.” This show does enjoy hitting as many targets as possible.

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