Monday, March 30, 2020

What I’m Watching: Outmatched (Penultimate Episode)

Outmatched: Season 1, Episode 9 “Black Mold” (C-)

Technically, this show hasn’t been cancelled yet, but with just one filmed episode left, there’s practically no way that anyone would choose to bring this series back for more episodes, even this initially enthusiastic viewer. This episode crossed a new line in terms of absurdity, and it’s hard to find anything of quality buried within it. Nicole hacking into the casino’s reservations system to get her parents a suite felt like a bad idea to begin with, leading to this narrative devolving into Mike getting into bed with an older couple that he didn’t realize had been let into their room. Kay could definitely have avoided getting dragged into a work thing by Rita, and you’d think she would have some concept of the fact that she was widely regarded as a cooler. Things were definitely going much worse back at home where Brian was put in charge before he immediately deferred to a mutinous and terrifying Nicole, and their efforts to tranquilize the younger two children didn’t work at all. Everything got much stupider when Irwin came over and fell down the stairs that had been eaten by the black mold and the kids left him for dead, terrified that a childnapper had broken into the house when it was really just Mike trying not to be noticed. I’d like to hope for something slightly more satisfying and endearing in the show’s final airing – this show had some potential to be entertaining enough but hasn’t really delivered on that.

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