Friday, April 3, 2020

What I’m Watching: Better Call Saul

Better Call Saul: Season 5, Episode 6 “Wexler v. Goodman” (B+)

Will this finally be the year that Rhea Seehorn is finally recognized by Emmy voters for her incredible work on this show? I doubt it, but there’s no question that she deserves it. She was legitimately furious that Jimmy wasn’t doing what she had proposed and that she thought they had agreed to, outlandishly asking for $4 million instead of the relatively reasonable $75,000 Kim had offered to pay part of from her own pocket. She switched into full lawyer mode, aggressively advising Kevin not to say anything and not to go out to talk to Jimmy, but he managed to get him on board by explaining how he wasn’t actually allowed to do the many things that he had very explicitly done. Kim finally let loose on Jimmy back at the house and then made it seem like she was going to break up with him, but once again completely flipped and proposed that they should get married instead. That seems like a crazy idea, and one that isn’t likely to occur based on what we know about Jimmy’s future. It was good to see Jimmy getting back into his old ways and creating wild productions again. It was particularly affirming to see Mike back up and running, pairing a brainwashing interview with an important witness with an opportunity to buy books for her granddaughter. Seeing him work really is a marvelous thing, and he’s a great ally for both Gus and Nacho now that he’s back to focusing and caring about living.

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