Friday, April 17, 2020

What I’m Watching: Breeders

Breeders: Season 1, Episode 8 “No Honeymoon” (B+)

There was no reason to expect that the wedding planning process for this couple would be a normal festive affair. Ally was particularly checked out while they were visiting a wedding venue, and her assertion that Paul should go look at one she had already found by himself because she already knew she liked it didn’t go over too well with him. It’s not as if Leah was very helpful by constantly reminding Paul of her affinity for Ally’s first wedding and first husband, and Paul’s parents didn’t do much good either. Ally being offered a crazy bonus to take on a new project that would have her spending most of the week away from home was an alluring but problematic notion, one that Paul came around to after realizing that it was a crucial step in their relationship even if it meant the wedding wasn’t going to be anything all that glamorous or special. The parenting antics that continue to plague them are entertaining, and the fact that a kid named Bear was having an eco-friendly party where Paul had to be guilted into pretending to have walked there was funny enough on its own. Luke confessing that he had taken to pinching the slowest of his bullies when they all ran away from him had Paul giving him a bit too much credit with creativity. Spitting because it didn’t involve touching was a humorous follow-up, but Paul put that to rest by threatening to burn all of Luke’s toys if he kept upsetting other kids.

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