Friday, April 3, 2020

What I’m Watching: This Is Us (Season Finale)

This Is Us: Season 4, Episode 18 “Strangers: Part Two” (B+)

Like the season premiere that featured the same title (part one), we met a few new characters and only really understood who they were by the end. We also saw the adult Jack, who we’ve barely seen since the premiere, and understood what the next generation of Pearsons look like, though they were notably featured separately. The big blowout between Randall and Kevin was much more intense and awful than I had imagined it would be, and they both hurled some hurtful things at each other that can’t really be taken back. Madison’s timing really was horrible, but fortunately Kevin came back in and said exactly the right thing, and it was sweet to learn that she’s actually pregnant with twins. I’m not sure what that means for their future exactly since we did see Sophie react to the ridiculous nipple-centric ad featuring her ex and Cassidy also showed up at the end to see Nicky, plus she was absent at the end in the future scene. The news that Jack has a sister is also exciting, though again it’s worth pointing out that we didn’t see the two families together, and the lack of warmth between the gray-haired Randall and Kevin indicates that maybe they don’t make up at any point. Rebecca still seems headed to St. Louis, and she obviously lives a lot longer, though Nicky is by her side and not Miguel. This really has been a terrific season, one in which the show has once again found the power in its original concept and used it to productive ends. I look forward to season five!

Season grade: A-
Season MVP: Justin Hartley as Kevin

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